Manpower Provision Services

ARC is a manpower services provider duly licensed by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity as well as NIPEX JQS labour provision agent registered in category 3.18.18 (staff hiring, technical) and 3.18.19 (staff hiring, administration). For manpower provision services please refer to the attached “Third Party Manpower Provision” and to the attached certificates.

Training services offered by ARC consist of the standard work safety courses and non-destructive training courses as listed at the attached “Safety Courses by ARC” and “NDT and Inspection Courses List”.

Another set of courses is currently (March 2018) in preparation with the cooperation of the European Union. A range of subjects related to photovoltaic power production engineers training will soon be available. Another set of courses in preparation relates to environment remediation subjects. Both set of courses will be available for indigenous engineers at reduced rates.